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The My Little Pony games is about to be even more interesting here on our website because dear kids you can see that we have prepared for you brand new MLP games online, in which you can meet with Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity or Rainbow Dash inside cute little girly games that you can play for free online even on your mobile phones and tablets.

At first, My Little Pony online was just a toy line with cute little colorful ponies, but starting from 2024 until 2024, the toy line went from the markets to the TV screens of little girls around the world, and it has brought a lot of color, magic, and love for ponies for girls all ages until they become teenagers. The franchise moved from just making toys to making TV series, movies, and even full cartoons with exciting adventures, magic, and helping the girls grow up and learn how to deal with failure, happiness, and criticism when it's due, and so the kids that watch this show can get educated and start to form their own personalities that might be like the ones of their favorite characters.

The cute My Little Pony game's story

The first toy that was made from this now worldwide franchise was named My Pretty Pony and it started in 1981 when the factory made a very small pony made from plastic with a few hairs that had different colors based on the character that the kids wanted to play with. It was a revolutionary toy for that time because you could have to wiggle its ears, move its tail, and wink with one of the toy's eyes. There were made even baby pony figurines of the Beautiful Baby and the My Pretty Pony series that continued with two new colors which are pink and yellow.

In 1982, the first toy was made, and there were six ponies that looked different, that had each a different color, and a cute little symbol on the back hip of the pony, which is a trademark of the series, and each and every one of the ponies or the families will have a sign, and they can be from apples, rainbows, sparkles or candy to lightning or clouds, and that will help you distinguish the pony families and your favorite characters from the rest.

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